There are already so many articles written on how to recover or reset a password that I’m not going to reinvent the wheel, but instead will guide you to the best online resources that I used to crack my Windows XP password.
1. Ophcrack Live CD - My favorite ways to blank out or crack a Windows password is to use a Linux Live CD. These are special distributions of Linux that run directly from the CD (no installation required) and are specially designed for cracking Windows passwords. You can read the documentation to learn how to use it. Simply burn the ISO and boot using the CD and the program will get right to work. It won’t work, however, on very complicated password because it actually tries to determine the password rather than reset it.
2. Offline NT Password and Registry Editor - This is a very small program, only 3MB in size, that you can burn to a CD and boot to. It’ll auto-detect the Windows installation and the account names (that is if everything was installed in the default Windows directories). Using this program you can reset or blank out a Windows password, which means it doesn’t matter how long or complicated it is. I tried this program on Vista and it would not load afterwards, so definitely only use for Windows XP or earlier!
3. Login Recovery - Login Recovery is a web site that has a program that you can either download onto a floppy disk or a cd and that you use to boot up with. You’ll get a list of account and some numbers when the program runs. Take those numbers and enter them onto the web site and Login Recovery will crunch it through it’s system to find out password for Windows NT, 2000, XP and Vista. I have tried this site and it did not work for my password, which was 11 characters and mostly symbols, numbers, and letters. However, if the password was something simple, they will probably be able to crack it.
4. John The Ripper - Another free password cracker that works on Windows, Linux and Macs, so it’s useful for any Mac or Linux user who wants to recovery a password. Pretty easy to use and comes with good instructions, so most people can follow along.
5. Knoppix STD - G4TV has a good article on another Linux distro you can download and use to crack your Windows password. Follow the detailed instructions he gives and if the password is not too long or difficult, it should be able to crack it!
As you can tell, the best ways to crack a Windows password is using Linux! It might be a little too techie for some people, but it’s definitely worth it if you want to avoid having to re-install Windows and lose all of your data! Any questions, post a comment!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
5 ways to crack or reset a forgotten Windows XP administrator password
Monday, March 24, 2008
Take over the website using C99.php shell
You can hack a certain site using C99.php shell by uploading it to web server. Unfortunately I cannot post the source code of c99 shell here but I will provide tips on how to find c99 shell script. The c99.php is detected as harmful to your pc scanned by various anti-virus but basically it doesn't harm your pc anyway, it's just a hack script which is applicable only to webserver running Php under Linux platform or maybe on Windows server (haven't tried yet) but 99% works on Linux servers.
You can find c99 shell using Google by using a 'Google Dork', just type [allinurl: c99.php"] without the brackets google will provide your results which links to c99.php shell. I advise that you copy the c99.php code and save it as "c99.php" and upload it to web host. To be able to use the c99 shell script just access it via URL (i.e. or similar to this and voila! You can retrieve/modify password, upload file, modify, etc..
But before you access the file make sure you have your proxy setup to avoid getting caught. It is unwise to access directly the exploit without protecting yourself first!
How to Obscure Any URL
How Spammers And Scammers Hide and Confuse
Maybe this topic is too old for you to read but most of the people on web are victimized by phishing. A lot of people are tricked with this simple yet very useful for phishers.
Using this trick you can hide your real URL into something (e.g. hexadecimal, dword, etc..) and make your victim think that it brings them to real site.
Visit this site:
How to become user SYSTEM in Windows XP
Ok, to start, go to Start>Run.
Type cmd.exe and hit ok.
Now in the command prompt that appeared, type at and hit enter. It should say "There are no entries in the list", but if it comes up with some stuff, we should be fine.
Now type this into the command prompt:
at XX:XX /interactive "cmd.exe"Where XX:XX is approximately 1 minute from the current time in 24 hour format.
When the system clock reaches that time, a new command prompt will open.
Now type tasklist in the command prompt and hit enter. A list of all the processes running on your computer will be displayed.
Search through this list for explorer.exe. Once located, remember the PID number next to it.
Now enter this into the command prompt:
tskill XXXX
Where XXXX is the PID number of explorer.exe.
Finally type explorer.exe into the command prompt.
When you press the start button again, your username should be changed to SYSTEM, and you will have full administrative rights over the entire computer.
You can kill processes that Windows normally locks, change all the user account names and passwords, delete Windows files, pretty much anything that you wouldn't normally be able to do.
Thanks for looking and I hope you find this informative and useful.